
这份文件定义了入学的非学术标准, 从牙科(DDS)升入并毕业, 口腔卫生(BS), 或博彩平台网址大全高级牙科教育(证书或学位)课程, 亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院.


The School of Dentistry provides this description of technical standards to inform prospective and enrolled students of the 技能 required in the provision of oral health care services. These technical standards reflect the performance abilities and characteristics that are necessary to successfully complete the requirements of the dental, 口腔卫生, 或者学校的高级牙科教育项目. Applicants for admission to the programs should review these standards to develop a better understanding of the physical abilities and behavioral characteristics necessary to successfully complete the programs. The School of Dentistry complies with the requirements and spirit of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 因此, the School will endeavor to make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities who are otherwise qualified in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

The School recognizes that the Doctor of 牙科 Surgery (DDS) degree carries with it the full authority of the institution and communicates to those who might seek the services of the bearer that he or she is competent to practice dentistry. 类似的, the certificate of graduation or an MS degree from an advanced dental education program communicates competence in a dental specialty, 而口腔卫生学士学位则表明在口腔卫生实践方面的能力. 因此, 学生必须展示所学知识, 技能, 教师们所决定的态度对牙医的实践是至关重要的, 它的专业, 或者牙齿卫生. The student must possess and/or acquire both cognitive and technical behavioral 技能 to negotiate the curriculum. 课程中的所有课程都要求确保毕业生成为称职的临床医生.

The following technical standards describe the essential functions that students must demonstrate in order to fulfill the requirements of a dental education program, 因此, 都是必须的, 进步通过, 从这个项目毕业. Students must possess the 技能 and abilities that will allow them to successfully complete the course of study and receive the full benefit of their education. 在注册期间,学生必须对学院的病人进行治疗. 学校有责任确保患者的安全. 治疗必须在合理的时间内安全完成.

技术技能领域包括电机, 感觉/观察, 沟通, 认知和行为. Continued enrollment and graduation will depend on the successful demonstration of both the knowledge and the 技能 listed below. The Academic Performance Committees will monitor each student's demonstration of such knowledge and 技能.


1. 运动技能

GENERAL: A student should have sufficient motor function to execute movements essential to providing oral health care to patients.

具体:学生必须具备进行触诊的运动技能, 打击乐器, 听诊和其他诊断操作, 基本实验室测试, 牙科的准备工作, 并及时进行诊断程序. 这样的动作需要大肌肉和细肌肉运动的协调, 平衡, 以及触觉和视觉的功能使用.

具体:学生必须能够进行基本的生命支持,包括心肺复苏术, 转移和安置残疾患者, 对缺乏运动控制能力的成人和儿童进行身体约束, and position and reposition himself or herself around the patient and chair in sitting and standing positions for prolonged periods of time. 学生必须促进和支持同事进行及时护理的能力. 学生必须会操作控制装置, 使用高速或低速牙科设备进行牙齿准备程序, 在外科手术中使用包括手术刀在内的手器械. 所有这些技能都必须在合理的时间框架内完成, 由学院决定模拟实时专业牙科护理.

2. 感觉/观察

GENERAL: A student must be able to acquire a predetermined level of required information through demonstrations and experiences in basic and dental sciences courses.

具体信息:这些信息包括, 但不限于, information conveyed through: 1) physiologic and pharmacological demonstrations in cadavers; 2) microbiological cultures; 3) microscopic images of microorganisms and tissues in normal and pathologic states; and 4) demonstration of techniques using dental models, 发音器和人体模型, 讲座及研讨会报告. 学生必须能够从书面文件中获取信息, 并评估以纸张图像形式呈现的信息, 电影, 幻灯片, 或视频. 学生必须能够解读x射线和其他图形图像. 学生必须能够从电子和其他增强视觉效果的仪器中受益, 听觉, 以及检查或治疗所需的身体感觉.

一般医生:学生必须能够准确地观察病人, 在一段距离和近距离, 在进行牙科手术或给药时解释非语言交流.

具体要求:学生必须能够进行牙科检查, 模拟, 以及需要使用视力的治疗方法, 触觉和声音. 他或她必须能够看到精细的细节, 聚焦在不同的距离, 辨别颜色的差异和变化, 形状, 纹理, 和深度是区分正常和异常软硬组织所必需的. He or she must be able to use tactile senses to diagnose directly by palpation and indirectly by sensations transmitted through instruments. 学生还必须具备阅读图表的视觉敏锐度, 记录, 射线照片, 小字体和手写符号, 并能准确区分深度和宽度. 学生必须能够在嘈杂的环境中高效地学习, 在繁忙的环境中与患者进行有效的口头沟通.

3. 沟通

总论:学生必须能够与病人进行有效而敏感的沟通, 教师, 工作人员, 和同学; convey or exchange information at a level allowing development of a health history; identify problems; explain alternative solutions; and give directions during treatment and post-treatment. A student must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with all members of the health care team.

SPECIFIC: A student must have sufficient facility with English to: retrieve information from texts and lectures and communicate concepts on written exams and patient charts; elicit patient backgrounds; describe patient changes in moods, 活动, and posture; and coordinate patient care with all members of the health care team. A student must be able to communicate in lay language so that patients and their families can understand the patient's conditions and, 从而, 更有可能遵守治疗和预防制度.

4. 认知

总师:学生必须会测量, 计算的原因, 分析, 集成, 并综合信息.

SPECIFIC: A student must be able to comprehend three dimensional relationships and to understand the spatial relationships of structures. 解决问题需要所有这些智力能力. 学生必须能够及时地执行这些解决问题的技能.

5. 行为

GENERAL: A student must possess the psychological health required for full use of his or her intellectual abilities, 正确判断的运用, 及时完成与病人的诊断和护理有关的所有责任, 并发展成熟, 敏感的, 和病人建立有效的关系, 教师, 工作人员, 和同学.

SPECIFIC: A student must be able to endure physically-taxing workloads and to function effectively under stress, 包括由教员决定的合理时间限制. 他或她必须能够适应不断变化的环境, 显示的灵活性, 学会面对病人临床问题中固有的不确定性. 同情, 完整性, 关心他人, 人际关系技巧, 利益, and motivation are all personal qualities that will be assessed during the admissions and educational processes. 学生必须能够以一种巧妙的方式管理有一系列情绪和行为的忧虑患者, 意气相投的, 个人的态度,以免疏远或对抗他们. 学生必须能够接受批评,并通过适当的行为修正作出回应. 学生必须能够与同事相互联系, 工作人员, 和诚实的病人, 完整性, 尊重, 和非歧视原则.

6 .道德和专业精神

GENERAL: A student must maintain the standards of conduct for ethics and professionalism as set forth in the American 牙科 Association's 《博彩平台网址大全排名》 美国牙科保健师协会的道德原则, 加州牙医协会道德规范和杜戈尼牙科学院规范 职业操守和杜戈尼牙科学院 职业仪表规范.

SPECIFIC: A student must always act in the best interest of the patient and society even when there is a conflict with the student's personal self-interest. The student must conduct oneself as a trustworthy and responsible citizen and act with impeccable 完整性 in their interactions with students, 教师, 职员及市民. A student must refrain from actions that detract from the professional atmosphere or orderly appearance of the School of Dentistry or University, 包括个人外表或其他行为. 这一期望也适用于参加任何学校主办或相关活动.


所有Dugoni学校的学生都必须遵守免疫接种要求. 为保障病人的健康和福祉,制定了免疫接种要求, 学生和所有医护人员. 注意:需要使用fda批准的疫苗接种针对SARS-COV2 (COVID-19)的全面疫苗.